Open Forum: Open Source in Pharma and Long-Term Dependability

Open Forum: Open Source in Pharma and Long-Term Dependability

Open Source – Open Source in Pharma and Long-Term Dependability

The Open Source Technology in Clinical Data Analytics (OSTCDA) project was set up with the aim to create a manuscript on integrating open-source software solutions for clinical data management, analysis and reporting.

Questions we addressed during this Webinar:

  • How do we ensure the solutions being developed today, which we build dependencies on, will maintain long-term viability, sustainability and maintainability?
  • For example, what if people retire, move on to other companies, leave the industry – how do we manage the risk?

As well as the GitHub Discussion, we are hosting a series of forums throughout the year. See the Working Group Events page for further details. 


Mike Smith, Pfizer

Mike has worked at Pfizer for 30 years and has seen enormous change both at Pfizer and across industry during that time. He trained as a statistician but now describes himself as a “professional geek”. The R Centre of Excellence at Pfizer is a little over a year old and it aims to build the R community internally at Pfizer, lead the way in demonstrating how to use R and other open source tools to build production grade deliverables and to provide expertise and consultancy to colleagues whatever their job role.

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