EU CTR Implementation

EU CTR Implementation

Project Scope 

The EU Clinical Trial Regulation (CTR) has sweeping new requirements for the publication of clinical trial documents of trials conducted in the European Union. Documents will be subject to publication earlier in clinical development than before, and documents like the Investigator’s Brochure will be routinely published for the first time. 

The EU CTR has important implications for the planning of trials in the EU and for how sponsors prepare clinical trial documents. Stakeholders include any sponsor conducting an EU trial, including pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and academic institutions. The initial deliverable for this project may build on a poster previously prepared by this Working Group outlining avenues of data disclosure. 

Types of document to be published under the EU CTR, their possible timelines for publication, the deferral mechanism for protecting confidential commercial information (CCI), which documents can be redacted for CCI and which cannot, and protection of personal protected data. 

Project LeadsEmail 
Christa Polidori, Regeneronchrista.polidori@regeneron.com
Sanjay Bagani, Xogene Servicessanjay@xogene.com
Lucy Marks, PHUSE Senior Project Coordinatorlucy@phuse.global


  • Completion of White Paper outline: White Paper will focus on preparing study documents in compliance with EU CTR while ensuring protection of CCI.  ā€‹
  • Initiated drafting of White Paperā€‹
Objectives & DeliverablesTimelines
White PaperQ2/Q3 2025
 EU CTR Update: Year 1 Blog24-03-2023

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