Data Consistency: SEND Datasets and Study ReportĀ
Overview |
The Data Consistency: SEND Datasets and the Study Report Project was formed at PHUSE CSS 2016 and tasked with identifying and addressing potential inconsistencies between the study report and SEND v3.0 datasets. Team members identified scenarios which could lead to inherent differences between SEND datasets and study reports. The team created a listing of potential inconsistencies identified and associated recommendations, which is provided in this paper. |
Problem Statement |
SEND datasets are intended to reflect the study design and individual data listings of a nonclinical report. However, differences between the report and SEND datasets can occur. These factors are generally due to differences in the processes and systems used to collect and report raw data and to generate SEND datasets. Many companies, CROs, and vendors are creating parallel paths for the generation of SEND datasets and data that go into the study reports. Subsequently, there are and will continue to be inconsistencies between the study reports and the SEND datasets. The effort required to understand, correct, and eliminate differences is still under evaluation and may be significant. Feedback received from the agency based on actual SEND submissions may improve our understanding and may impact the initial recommendations provided here. During PHUSE discussions, it became apparent that best practices were needed to help SEND implementers decide what methods should be used to address these differences. |
Background/Scope |
The implementation of SEND dataset creation processes (e.g., tools, methods) varies from organization to organization. The Data Consistency Project determined that one of the main challenges in implementation is the potential for inconsistencies between the study report and the SEND datasets. The list of potential inconsistencies was developed to determine the impact of the SEND datasets differing from the study report. This list is based on sponsor experience as well as scenarios that surfaced through the FDA Fit for Use Pilot. It should be noted that this list may not be exhaustive. After the scenarios were evaluated, the team developed recommendations to address those inconsistencies. Recommendations provided in this paper may require additional feedback from the FDA. |
Table of Discrepancies |
SEND Dataset and Study Report discrepancies were categorized by impact. Low impact discrepancies are expected to have minimal effect on study data interpretation and conclusions. High impact discrepancies could lead to misinterpretation of conclusions drawn from reviews of SEND datasets and those presented in Study Reports and/or data collection process changes by sponsors and CROs. It should be noted that the impact assessment assigned to each scenario is based on the Projects assessment at the time the scenario was considered. They are from the sponsor’s perspective and not the reviewer’s and may be adjusted as feedback from the regulatory agency(ies) is provided. Conditions unique to an organization or differences in severity could change the impact assessment. Based on this assessment, this team has identified recommendations described in the next section. |
Table 1. Low Impact Discrepancies – Explain discrepancy in the Nonclinical Study Data Reviewer’s Guide (nSDRG) |
Scenario # | Description | SEND Datasets | Study Report | Impact |
1 | Some pretest data may be present in SEND datasets but not in study report. | Pretest data may be present since some systems are unable to filter out this data. | Pretest data may or may not be present, or only a subset is present. | Low |
2 | Subjects are scheduled for toxicokinetic collection; in-life data for these subjects are collected but not reported. | Data, e.g., Body Weights, Clinical Signs, for these subjects may be present. | Data for these subjects may not be included, or only a portion is included. | Low |
3 | Baseline bio-analytical pretest data, e.g., when provided by a Bio-analytical CRO, is included for animals that were not eventually randomized onto a study. | Data may not be present. | Data may be present in appendix with the bio-analytical data. | Low |
4 | Differences exist in the presentation of significant figures between SEND dataset and study reports. | Low | ||
5 | Data is collected for investigative purposes or veterinary assessments (e.g., body temperature). | Data may be present if collected in data capture system. | Data may not be present. | Low |
6 | Unscheduled veterinary assessments may be included in the study report, but not in the SEND datasets. | Data will not be present. | May be explained in the study report. | Low |
7 | Sentinel animals included as part of carcinogenicity studies could be included in the trial design domains. | May or may not be present | Will not be present | Low |
8 | In the study report the age at time of receipt is frequently listed; in the DM domain the required data references age at start of dose. | One of the following variables will be present:AGE = exact date, AGETEXT = range. Both refer to age at start of dose. | Age at time of receipt or age at time of dose will be reported. | Low |
9 | Instruments or equipment collect more test-related data than are required by protocol. | It may or may not be possible to filter out test related data not being reported. | Not all test related data are reported. | Low |
10 | Animals are "swapped" or substituted out prior to or after first dose (e.g., replacement animals). | There are a variety of processes for replacing animals assigned to study and depending on tool or processes used, data may or may not be present. | Data may or may not be present. However, an explanation of the replacement will likely be present. If it is after the first dose, the explanation should be clear enough to avoid questions. | Low |
11 | Food in/out is collected daily but reported weekly. | Value will be represented as daily consumption. | Value will be represented as weekly consumption. | Low |
12 | Food consumption is collected per cage in the data collection system, but then reported by animal in the report tables. The SEND reporting system is then likely to report by cage, unless manual intervention is done. | Food consumption data may be reported by cage; e.g. two animals per cage result in a food consumption of 100 g / day in total. POOLID would have been created for the two animals. | Food consumption data may be reported by animal; e.g. each of those two animals consumes 50 g/animal/day. Study report should describe reporting logic. | Low |
13 | Numeric ophthalmic data (results of a microscopic (e.g. slit lamp) ophthalmic examination) | May not be present | May be present | Low |
14 | Dermal data are present in study report, but not in the SEND Datasets. | May not be present | May be present | Low |
15 | Values for body weight gain are represented differently between SEND dataset and study report. | Values will be reported interval to interval, but intervals may vary. | Values could be reported cumulatively or in another customized way. Report may include additional cumulative gains (e.g., from start to termination or for recovery phase). Report may contain no body-weight gain data. | Low: Body-weight gains over any interval can be calculated from BW data if needed by reviewers. |
16 | CLSTRESC is less detailed than the Study Report* | SENDIG has no single (standard) representation for CL data. | Report format may vary by testing facility and/or data collection/reporting system. | Low '''' |
*From the Technical Conformance Guide: Clinical Observations (CL) Domain: Only Findings should be provided in CL; ensure that Events and Interventions are not included. Sponsors should ensure that the standardization of findings in CLSTRESC closely adheres to the SENDIG. The information in CLTEST and CLSTRESC, along with CLLOC and CLSEV when appropriate, should be structured to permit grouping of similar findings and thus support the creation of scientifically interpretable incidence tables. Differences between the representation in CL and the presentation of Clinical Observations in the Study Report which impact traceability to the extent that terms or counts in incidence tables created from CL cannot be easily reconciled to those in the Study Report should be mentioned in the nSDRG. |
Table 2. High Impact Discrepancies - Reconcile if possible and if not, explain discrepancy in the nSDRG. |
Scenario # | Brief Description | SEND Dataset | Study Report | Impact |
1 | Numeric LB (and PC) values with leading characters (Ė, <, etc.) or BLQ, or BLOQ are represented differently in SEND datasets and study report. | LBORRES = BLOQ or LBORRES = <1 will result in null value for LBSTRESN; SUPPLB = numeric. | “<”, “>” and numeric value will be present for purpose of calculation. | High: The numeric value used in study reporting should be reflected in SUPPLB or SUPPPC. If not reflected in SUPPLB or SUPPPC it should be clearly addressed in the NSDRG. Longer term it will be beneficial to have CT for ‘below limit of quantification” to be populated in STRESC , a value included in LLOQ and the unit in STRESU to apply to both. .**See table below for recommendation. |
2 | Correlations made in the study report are not reflected in RELREC (e.g. data is collected in 2 different systems). | Relationships between data points may not be present only in RELREC. | Relationships between data points will be present. There may be correlations in study report that are not in the pathology system because they might have been made post data-collection and capture (e.g., may be part of the discussion section). | High/Low |
3 | Data points labeled with “Day 0” may be present when in SEND dataset “Day 1” is expected. | Day 1 will be expected but Day 1 may be present. | Day 0 will be reported. | High. Will exist until systems change. |
4 | Textual differences (controlled terminology) between reports and SEND data sets. | Uses standard for Controlled Terminology | May or may not use standard for Controlled Terminology. If the differences are impactful to data interpretation, it is recommended that they be listed out in the nSDRG. | Low/High |
5 | Modifiers for pathology data may or may not be listed in the Study Report but should be in the SEND dataset (MA/MI domains). | Modifiers will be listed in --SUPP and/or --STRESC, in addition to --ORRES depending on how data are collected and base processes are defined by the sponsor. | Modifiers may or may not be listed as part of base finding. May lead to differences in incidence counts. The STRESC value must be scientifically meaningful but may not match the value in the incidence tables. | High |
6 | Nomenclature of severity may differ between SEND dataset and study report. | Will be present as Controlled Term because it is mapped to Controlled Terminology (CT). | Severity will be listed as defined by sponsor. | High |
next number | scenario description | contents of SEND dataset | contents of study report | impact (should be "medium" or "high" for this table) |
**When STRESC is a non-numeric |
Acceptable | STRESC | LLOQ | STRESU applies to STRESC and LLOQ |
yes | <lloq | ug/uL | |
yes | >uloq | ug/uL | |
Yes (preferred) | BLQ | 200 | ug/uL |
no | BLQ | 200 | |
no | <200 | 200 | |
yes | <200 | 200 | ug/uL |
Recommendations |
There are and will continue to be inconsistencies between SEND datasets and study reports. There are various reasons for these differences which have been previously described. It is recommended that any data inconsistency be highlighted in the Nonclinical Study Data Reviewer’s Guide (nSDRG). This is necessary for the reviewer to understand the context in which the SEND data are provided. While it is expected that addressing inconsistencies in the nSDRG will be sufficient during the early implementation of SEND, it does not preclude seeking technical solutions for them. Low Impact Discrepancies: Resolution Is Not Necessary or Data Inconsistency is Acceptable High Impact Discrepancies: Resolution Is Necessary or Data Inconsistency Should Be Resolved
Example |
SEND Dataset | Report |
Chemokine (c-X_C Motif) Ligand 1 | Growth Regulated Factor |
Basophils | Absolute Basophils |
Basophils/Leukocytes | Basophils |
SGOT/Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase | AST/Aspartate Aminotransferase |
FDA reviewers may seek to replicate the incidence table in the study report with SEND data. It is recommended that sponsors evaluate their MA/MI SEND data for the potential to do this and within reason adjust lexicons or processes to enable.
No Resolution Immediately Available or Data Inconsistency Resolution is Not Possible (Model Limits) | ||||
There are inconsistencies that cannot be resolved by the sponsor at this time namely those inconsistencies due to model limits, for example:
As with other differences, explanation should be given in the nSDRG. It is also recommended that these types of discrepancies be addressed in a near future update to SEND guidance documents, e.g. the Technical Conformance Guide and the SEND Implementation Guide and the companion Confirmed Data Endpoints document. | ||||