Nonclinical Data Interconnectivity for Endpoint Predictivity (NICE)
Project Scope Explore means by which nonclinical and clinical data can be interconnected in ways that facilitate their use for identifying hazards and risks of pharmaceuticals. Key parameters for interconnecting clinical with nonclinical data include drug class, pharmacologic class, pharmacologic target and/or mechanism of action. An outcome of this project could be guidance for the US FDA and the pharmaceutical industry regarding design/analysis of SEND datasets to allow for nonclinical data to be associated with metadata that accurately describes the drug’s mechanism of action, target and/or pharmacologic class. In addition, strategies for interconnecting nonclinical with clinical data, based on pharmacologic class, could be developed. In addition, strategies for searching for and identifying pharmacologic class effects for adverse events and toxicities could be developed. Specific topics to consider include:
Project Activities Completed in 2014 |
Summary and Suggestions |
Note: this project is derived from the combination of 2 former projects in the Nonclinical WG: Endpoint Predictivity and Data Interconnectivity |
Accomplishments |
Kasturi J, Brown AP, Brown P, Madhavan S, Prabakar L, Wally JL. Interconnectivity of disparate nonclinical data silos for drug discovery and development. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, OnlineFirst version 22 April 2014 |
Links to Select Drug Databases |
Relevant Publications |